Whats new?
Wow, somehow i managed to add a lot of the pictures that have been waiting in my "new pics" folder for months. Praise me! :D
But still there are several pics left, not to mention the pics from last years convention that still aint up :0
Screenshots in total: 364
12. 1. 2004
Finally, i managed to get the first version of the guildhall-page up. Its not complete, but its a good start. Oh, and i hope to get the rest of the planned update done during the christmas holidays too ;)
22. 12. 2003
Well, despite all my plans, i still didnt get to update on a regular scheme. But im working on it, i already collected several new pics and if the gods are with me i shall bring them online anytime soon ;)
If anyone thinks he can provide some really interesting pics and would like to see them here, send them to beowulf@cobalt-tower.de (and please, dont waste our time with stupid viruses and the like which wont work anyways).
29. 10. 2003
23. 2. 2002
- added a lot of pics (about 40) as usual
- finally got my own domain :)
20. 8. 2001
- added RL pics
- added the keyboard section
10. 8. 2001
- added a lot of pics (again ;) )
23. 7. 2001
- added a lot of pics
- added some subsections
2. 7. 2001
- added some pics
- quitted the guildpage project :(
- added some new links
14. 4. 2001
- moved to a new server
- added a lot of screenshots
- re-organized the screenshot-section, created some new subsections
- updated the tibia-map
24. 1. 2001
- added some screenshots
- added the map to the library
- created the rl-pics subsection
6. 1. 2001
- re-designed the screenshot-pages
- updated the guildlinks
- added some information in the lords chambers
4. 1. 2001
- added some screenshots in the sections marked as "updated!!"
- completely rebuild the section with the wedding pics
17. 11. 2000
- improved the tips-section
- got depressed about the small feedback in the guestbook <hint>
25. 10. 2000
- created the guildlinks-site in the tips-section
- added a picture and a link to the screenshots-section
9. 10. 2000
- added another recipe to the kitchen
- added a new link
8. 10. 2000
- added the tips-section to the library
- fixed a problem in the screenshots-section
- added some new links
- added this page ;)
5. 10. 2000
- added a new guestbook, as the one from dencity never worked
- added new screenshots
29. 9. 2000
- added the selling prices
- added some screenshots